A winter evening at my cottage! Nothing could be better. It is peaceful outside and there is a chill in the air that leaves the cottage rather nippy. To me, life doesn't get any better than this...sitting by a warm fire with my cat writing poetry. Cats are amazing creatures, they really know how to make themselves comfortable in a soft chair by the fireside looking so cozy and warm. What a lovely place to spend the evening. So very cozy and welcoming, and I just love a real fire. Nothing beats a wood fire, the smell and the warmth are something, and I enjoy this all winter long. When the nights grow long and the days grow short, when summer is a distant memory and the cold and darkness of winter are a ever-present reality, it is good to sit by the fireside and reflect. I love the light and the warmth from it and in some cases, the crackling sound. Fireplaces have a cozy feel to me, and really, cozy is what I'm all about at home. It is great to be home to the warmth of a fire, tea with a dollop of honey. In fact I'll creep under the quilt and sleep soundly all night.